What is javascript & its use cases?

Devanshu Singh
5 min readJun 21, 2021


So in this blog, I will give a brief introduction about javascript and its industry use cases.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows you to implement complex features on web pages — every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at — displaying timely content updates, interactive maps, animated 2D/3D graphics, scrolling video jukeboxes, etc. — you can bet that JavaScript is probably involved. It is the third layer of the layer cake of standard web technologies, two of which (HTML and CSS).

  • HTML is the markup language that we use to structure and give meaning to our web content, for example defining paragraphs, headings, and data tables, or embedding images and videos on the page.
  • CSS is a language of style rules that we use to apply styling to our HTML content, for example setting background colors and fonts, and laying out our content in multiple columns.
  • JavaScript is a scripting language that enables you to create dynamically updating content, control multimedia, animate images, and pretty much everything else. (Okay, not everything, but it is amazing what you can achieve with a few lines of JavaScript code.)

Is JavaScript easy to Learn?

Yes, JavaScript is a simple programming language as compared to other languages such as C++, Ruby, and Python. It is a high-level, interpreted language that can easily be embedded with languages like HTML.

Advantages of JavaScript

The merits of using JavaScript are −

  • Less server interaction − You can validate user input before sending the page off to the server. This saves server traffic, which means less load on your server.
  • Immediate feedback to the visitors − They don’t have to wait for a page reload to see if they have forgotten to enter something.
  • Increased interactivity − You can create interfaces that react when the user hovers over them with a mouse or activates them via the keyboard.
  • Richer interfaces − You can use JavaScript to include such items as drag-and-drop components and sliders to give a Rich Interface to your site visitors.

There are many frameworks are also available but first let us understand what is Framework.

What are Javascript Frameworks?

At their most basic, JS frameworks are collections of JavaScript code libraries that provide developers with pre-written JS code to use for routine programming features and tasks — literally, a framework to build websites or web applications around.

Most Used JavaScript Framework by Industries :

  1. AngularJS: Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source web application framework led by the Angular Team at Google and by a community of individuals and corporations. Angular is a complete rewrite from the same team that built AngularJS.
  2. ReactJS: React is an open-source front-end JavaScript library for building user interfaces or UI components. It is maintained by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React can be used as a base in the development of single-page or mobile applications.

How and Which MNCs Uses JavaScript:


You’re probably aware that Facebook uses JavaScript. It’s kind of hard to miss. What’s probably not as obvious is exactly how much JavaScript goes into making Facebook and how much Facebook is involved in JavaScript development.

Try disabling JavaScript in your web browser and going to Facebook. The website will actually stop you from logging in because it won’t work without JavaScript.

You may have noticed the way that Facebook loads. Each piece of the page is separate. Facebook has invented its own way of breaking down and delivering sections of JavaScript separately. In an odd way, each section of your Facebook page is a collection of independent JavaScript applications.

It doesn’t stop there. Facebook created React, one of the most popular front-end frameworks. Facebook uses React on Facebook.com as well as Instagram and WhatsApp.


How doesn’t Google use JavaScript? Seriously, it’s everywhere. Google’s search results spring up as your typing gets there with JavaScript. The Gmail web client is powered by JavaScript. Google Docs? Yeah, that’s JavaScript too.

Google develops and usually opens sources its own JavaScript tools. The most obvious example is AngularJS. Angular is used most prominently in Google’s DoubleClick advertising platform, but it’s also one of the most popular front-end frameworks available. It’s even part of the MEAN stack.

Google’s more intensive services, like Google Docs, use Closure Tools. This set of tools compiles JavaScript into a lower-level faster form more suited for rich and highly responsive web applications.

There’s another big point to touch on. Google developed Chrome. Chrome is a web browser, needed a JavaScript engine, so Google also made V8. V8 not only powers Chrome, it’s at the heart of NodeJS. So, without Google, there would be no Node.


LinkedIn relies on NodeJS for its mobile site. A few years back, LinkedIn used Rails for its mobile site. As with other large Rails applications, it was slow, monolithic, and it scaled poorly.

LinkedIn switched over to NodeJS to solve its scaling problems. Node’s asynchronous capabilities allowed the LinkedIn mobile site to perform more quickly than before while using fewer resources. Node also made data sharing and building APIs easier for LinkedIn developers.

Many Top MNCs use JavaScript this blog can’t list all the MNCs, But more few are Walmart, eBay, Uber, Medium, GoDaddy, Mozilla, Groupon, etc.

Thank You!!



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