Launching GUI Apps on the Docker Container.

Devanshu Singh
2 min readMay 30, 2021


Hello everyone, In this blog, I am going to tell you guys how to launch a GUI application on the Docker Containers.

The Only prerequisite is we should have a Linux OS with Docker installed on it.

To know how to install Docker on the RHEL8 Linux. Click here

So here are some steps:


Start the docker services and pull CentOS Docker Image from the docker hub.


Launch the Docker container, but if we launch it with the command docker run -it — name=GUIcont centos:latest , we cannot run the GUI apps. So we have to change the command.

Here comes the interesting thing, the — env flag defines a variable in our container that matches our DISPLAY variable on the host.


Now we have to Run some GUI application on the container to see if it runs or fails.

For this, we are running the jupyter notebook & the jupyter notebook uses the web browser to run on it. And the web browser is a GUI app.

After running all the above commands the firefox browser will open with the jupyter notebook.

I hope you guys understand how to launch the GUI app on the container.

Thank you guys for reading,

GitHub Link:-



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